Potent Herbal Medicine Diabetes Diabetes mellitus _ . When we hear the name of the disease seems to be cool. Actually diabetes mellitus have been very familiar to our ears, known as dread disease because it can lead to other serious complications of the disease. Here is a picture with Diabetes Symptoms:
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is or what is often known as diabetes is a disease or condition in which a person's body can not control blood glucose levels. As a result, increased blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) is prolonged (chronic).
- Frequent urination / urination (polyuria),
- Often or quickly feel thirsty / thirst (polydipsia),
- Excessive hunger (polyphagia),
- Losing weight is not clear why
- Tingling / numbness in the nerve endings in the hands and feet
- Quickly tired and weak
- Impaired vision suddenly
- In case of injuries / scratched, slow healing
- Particularly susceptible to infection in the skin
- Inactive habits, lack of exercise or lack of exercise.
- Parents bear Diabetes Mellitus
- History of having a baby with a birth weight of more than 4 kg or a history of diabetes mellitus during pregnancy (gestational diabetes mellitus)
- HDL cholesterol less than 50 mg / dl
- Patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or other clinical circumstances associated with insulin resistance (impaired function of insulin)
- History of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired fasting blood glucose (GDPT)
- History of heart disease and blood vessel
- Stroke Disease
- Blindness
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Wounds that do not heal
Broadly speaking, Diabetes Mellitus grouped into two types: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (diabetes mellitus type-1) and insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes mellitus). Most cases are type-2 diabetes mellitus are commonly found in people who are obese or overweight due to lifestyle she lived. Meanwhile, type-1 diabetes mellitus are influenced by hereditary factors, although the contribution of genetic factors to the risk of diabetes only by 5%.
In addition, there are other known diabetes mellitus with gestational diabetes mellitus that occurs during pregnancy.
How Diabetes Mellitus Could Happen?
Diabetes mellitus occurs due to defective insulin action or lack of the hormone insulin. The hormone insulin is in charge of carrying glucose (sugar) in the blood into the cells for energy production.
In a healthy state, our body will absorb the glucose in the right amount of food, then save the rest. Glucose is required by the body as fuel.
Glucose is absorbed from the food to be transported throughout the body via the blood stream, and then given to the cells of organs that require the help of insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas). When excessive amounts of glucose, the insulin helps store excess glucose in the liver and muscles (in the form of glycogen), or converted into triglycerides stored in fat storage tissue (adipose). Insulin binds to reseptornya (like lock and key) to open the entrance of glucose into the cells.
When insulin is not available or work disrupted insulin, then the glucose can not enter the cell but is in the blood vessels so that the concentration of glucose in the blood will increase. Glucose in the blood can cause a variety of problems over the mentioned complications of diabetes.
Signs - signs or symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus
Common symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus:
Other symptoms of diabetes mellitus are:
Who are The Risk Of Diabetes Mellitus?
People who have more than 45 years old at risk of developing the disease diabetes mellitus or those who are younger but overweight (body mass index over 23 kg / m 2).
The following conditions are also a risk factor that can lead to the onset of Diabetes Mellitus:
Ways Diagnosing Diabetes Mellitus
The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus can be established in three ways:
If found classic symptoms of diabetes mellitus, and blood pemeriksaanglukosa results when more than 200 mg / dl. Glucose is the result of the examination at any moment at any time of day without regard to meals last.
Fasting blood Pemeriksaanglukosa more than 126 mg / dl with the classic complaint of diabetes mellitus. Fasting is defined individuals do not get the extra calories for at least 8 hours.
Examination of plasma glucose padates oral glucose tolerance (oral glucose tolerance) is more than 200 mg / dl. TTGO conducted by WHO standards, using a glucose load equivalent to 75 g of glucose anhidrus dissolved into the water.
Complications of Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes is a disease that can lead to other medical complications. Diabetes Mellitus incumbent who can not handle blood sugar levels, which are at risk of developing complications of acute or chronic.
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